Our Elderly Program Services
Multi-Purpose Community Action Agency has been providing services to elderly clients over the age of 60 since 1974. Programs are designed to improve the quality of life for the elderly and to help them maintain an independent life style for as long as possible.
We plan many fun and interesting activities for our participants. Each day from 10 AM to 2 PM participants can play games, exercise, craft, enjoy educational programs, socialize, and enjoy presentations on subjects that are relevant to seniors in a fun environment. Outings to interesting places are also planned. So, come join in the fun at our Shelbyville Senior Center, Taylorsville Senior Center, or Shepherdsville Senior Center. To make a reservation or obtain more information, please call the center in the county that you are interested in attending.
If you or a loved one is unable to prepare a luncheon meal for themselves, please call KIPDA at 502.266.5571 to begin the assessment process to receive Home Delivered Meals. All Assessments must be completed by KIPDA before we can provide Home Delivered Meals.
If you can volunteer to help us deliver meals and activities, please contact your local senior center. Staff are available to take calls.
We plan many fun and interesting activities for our participants. Each day from 10 AM to 2 PM participants can play games, exercise, craft, enjoy educational programs, socialize, and enjoy presentations on subjects that are relevant to seniors in a fun environment. Outings to interesting places are also planned. So, come join in the fun at our Shelbyville Senior Center, Taylorsville Senior Center, or Shepherdsville Senior Center. To make a reservation or obtain more information, please call the center in the county that you are interested in attending.
If you or a loved one is unable to prepare a luncheon meal for themselves, please call KIPDA at 502.266.5571 to begin the assessment process to receive Home Delivered Meals. All Assessments must be completed by KIPDA before we can provide Home Delivered Meals.
If you can volunteer to help us deliver meals and activities, please contact your local senior center. Staff are available to take calls.
Volunteers Needed At All Sites
Various jobs are available. Assist with boxing up meals for home delivery; lead varied activities such as crafts, bingo, education and health promotion; home meal delivery; making phone calls to seniors to help ease their isolation and make sure they are doing okay. Please call your local senior center below to find out how you can help!
Senior Activities Center locations
Bullitt CountyMonday through Friday
10am - 2pm 214 Frank E. Simon Shepherdsville KY 40165 Nichole Schank 502-543-3455 / [email protected] |
Shelby CountyMonday, Wednesday & Friday
10am - 2pm 207 Washington Street Shelbyville KY 40065 502-633-2218 |
Spencer CountyTuesday & Thursday
10am - 2pm 44 Creek Side Drive Taylorsville KY 40071 (502) 477-8296 |
Funding has been provided in the form of grants from the Title III program which was created from the Older Americans Act. Multi-Purpose operates three senior centers that are a resource for the rural communities we serve. The primary purpose of the senior center is to enhance the quality of life for older adults. The centers support the seniors in their efforts to keep active and preserve their independence by promoting wellness, personal fulfillment and self-esteem. We do this by offering a variety of services to seniors.
This website is supported by Grant Numbers 93.569 (Community Services Block Grant), 93.568 (Weatherization LIHEAP), 93.568 (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program), 93.044 (Title III B Support Services), 93.044 (Title III C Nutrition), from the Office of Community Services within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations' expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Community Services.